Friday, November 22, 2013

Baby Shower Brazilian Style

Friday night I attend a baby shower for one of the American girls, Rebecca, at Church who due in December with a little girl. It was at Reneta's house and she really out did herself and thew a huge party. She said she was going to make her house "Pink" and she did. Reneta is currently living at her in laws house while they serving as Mission Presidents for our Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in another part of Brazil.   Being Mission Presidents is a 3 year volunteer assessment and they are in charge of about 200 missionaries. Her in laws house is amazing. It's a stand alone house with a big yard and swimming pool. They even had a trampoline in the backyard. I am sure Eliza and Gretta are going to be begging to go to their house as soon as they realized how lucky her boys are. 
Reneta did a great job. The decorations, food, and games were all amazing!!!!
Plus I learned a lot about Brazilian culture and having babies. 
First of all most Brazilian who have have good insurance have c-sections.
Brazilian name there babies as soon as they find out what they are having. Sometimes on forms they even ask the name of the baby before it's born. But no one ever comments negatively on a name once you tell them what it is even family. That's pretty different than the US. It seems if you tell people the babies name before it's born in the US you get lots of comments good and bad about the name. Family members seem to be the worse about commenting. 
Women make beautiful and very elaborate door hangers using the babies name to hang on  the hospital room door after you have the baby. 
Brazilian are also very respectful of pregnant women. There are special preferential lines at the grocery store, bank and most places  for women with babies, pregnant ladies, elderly and handicap. 
Brazilians also like to touch pregnant people's bellies. I know this happens at home, but I have never had it happen before and it's already happened here. 

I also had my first real experience with Sao Paulo traffic. It took me a hour to get to the shower and it was only about 3 miles away. Without traffic it should have taken about 5 minutes. I did cause a little of the problem because the GPS was taking a long time to load and before it fully loaded I made one wrong turn which cost me about 25 minutes at least.  It was also raining which always makes traffic worse!
But it was worth it. I had a great time at the shower. It was fun to celebrate Rebecca and her baby girl.

All of the food was amazing! See the chocolate fountain.