Thursday, November 28, 2013


Eliza begs everyday for me to pick her up from school early. I decided I could get her early today since it was Thanksgiving. She was so excited I came to get her early. We made these cute Turkey's together. I had left over Halloween Candy to use, but I didn't bring the frosting packets to finish them off and you can't find them in Brazil. Oh well. They still turned out cute. 

The Thiago and Renata Pizzirani invited us to Thanksgiving Dinner along with 2 other American Families and one Brazilian Family. They did a great job hosting a holiday that isn't even theirs. They spent 8 years in the US and Renata says she loves everything about Thanksgiving. She did a great job with all of the preparations. I was grateful for the invitations because I wasn't up for making Thanksgiving dinner for us. If we wouldn't have been invited we would have had Chicken, stuffing, instant mashed potatoes and cranberry sauces at home.  That's a pretty sad Thanksgiving. 

On our way to their house we saw "Black Friday" signs. If you want to read a great post about "Black Friday" here in Brazil you need to check out my friends blog post at

She dose a great job of explaining everything. She write something everyday and they are always very interesting. She has lived here for 5 years and is married to a Brazilian. She does a better job of explaining cultural things than I do, so I would suggest checking it out. 

Here is all the food set out before we started to eat. Doesn't it look good!

The kids table in the kitchen

I helped the kids make Turkey's after dinner. I think their favorite part was eating the end product and licking the frosting.

I didn't get a good picture of all of the adults, but here is a picture of the Adult table with the desserts all set out. Everything was delicious!!!! I went home stuffed!!!!

Thank you Thiago and Renata for hosting such a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!