Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Super Scary

I don't post this to scary anyone, but it's a good reminder that Sao Paulo isn't safe. Any native will tell you the top three problems in Sao Paulo are #1 Safety, #2 Traffic, #3 Health Care (that's if you don't have enough  money or good insurance and rely on the government system.)

A fellow Ex-Pat posted this to a facebook group I belong to this morning. This took place super close to Eric's work less than one mile from my house. Not only is this scary, but reading the comments of the other member of the group that have also had the same thing happen is even scarier. I guess robberies are more common this time of the year because people get cash year end bonus and people are also looking for more money for Christmas. This might also explain why the bank would only let me take out R$300 yesterday when I thought my daily limit was R$1000 and I only wanted R$500.

Last night, on our way home from dinner, my husband and I were robbed at gun point. It happened very quickly. The robbers pulled their car sideways in front of us and told us to get out of the car. The gunman waved his gun in Joe's face and frisked him but left his wallet and phone. I was not touched. They took our car, my purse, phone and contents from the car. The two men in the car behind us stopped to help us call the police. When they left the scene, one of the me pounded his chest saying, "vida, vida, vida", reminding me we were still alive. I am shaken and not sure what my day will hold.