Friday, November 29, 2013

Carli 20 months

Carli has really come into her own lately. She is really becoming more independent. Her two favorite words are still "Mine" and "No", but at least she is learning a few more words and making more sounds. She also knows what she wants and gets every sad if you don't let her have it. She is strong willed. 
She loves to feed herself even if it involves getting yogurt all over herself. She also wants to participate in what ever her sisters are doing. She loves to be included. 
She loves to sing songs, dance and read books.
She also loves to play in the water at the pool, but doesn't have much desire to get in. I think it might stem from her falling under a few weeks ago. I think it scared her pretty bad. It scared me too! I was right next to her when it happened, but it only took me looking away for 5 seconds for her her go under.
She also loves it when her big sisters take her to the playground.
She has been on an off sick with a runny noes, ear ache and cough since we got here. The pediatrician reminded me that it's par for the course since she is being exposed to new germs here in Brazil, but it's not fun to see her not feel so well. Luckily she seems to have turned the corner and is getting better. 
She also loves to make us laugh. 
Carli is a delightful child and it so so much fun to see her learn new things everyday. 
She is following in Eliza's food steps and has been refusing any fruit except bananas. Everyday her report from school says she at her bread and drank her juice, but never eats her fruit. 
Her new trick is that she doesn't like sitting in her high chair. She wants to eat at the bar in the kitchen.
She also loves to say "cheese" when she gets her picture taken.
We sure love you Carli and are so happy you joined our family!!!