Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sao Paulo Temple

Saturday morning Teresa came and watched the girls so we could really go to the Temple. Eliza remarked we had already been to the Temple yesterday. If we had known how yesterday was going to turn out we should have just gone inside yesterday. Oh well. 
It is such a treat for Eric and I to go together because back at home in Michigan it takes at least 2 hours to get to the Chicago Temple and we usually have to switch off watching the kids. It makes for a long day. It's so wonderful to have a Temple only 25 minutes away. Plus I am sure once we get home it's going to be hard to go in the winter and not safe for me to be that far away from home so pregnant. After these babies come I am sure it's going to be a long time before we are both going to be able to go again, so it's nice to be able to go more often here. 
The Temple was very busy because it was a holiday weekend. It is always heart warming to see the Temple so busy. Just before we arrived 5 bus loads of people arrived from much further distances than we came. 
We were able to help with Sealings which is always special.  

For those of you who are curious about what happens in our Temples here is a link to

What Happens in Temples