Saturday, November 30, 2013

Botanical Gardens

We went to the São Paulo Botanical Garden on Saturday. The weather said there was a 40% chance of rain and we were debating going to the Botanical Garden or the Soccer Museum, but I have really been wanting to go to the Botanical Garden, so we braved it.  We should have been at least smart enough to take our umbrella's just in case. Not taking them was a big mistake.  It was lightly misting when we first got there and we had some time to look around. It's hard to believe we were in the middle of the city. The Gardens are so green and lush. It was really beautiful. While Eric was paying for the tickets we were looking at the boards that told you what was and wasn't allowed inside. Eliza told me I couldn't go in because it said no pregnant ladies. On further review it was no taking pictures of pregnant ladies without authorization. We found out later this is a very popular place to take engagement photos, wedding photos and pregnancy photos. I think you have to pay a special fee if you are taking professional photos. Once inside the gates I would say the majority of the people we saw inside were taking pictures!!!! There were tons of pregnant ladies getting their pictures taken too. In the US we sometimes take pictures when you are pregnant, but  you don't usually bare you stomach in public for the pictures. We saw plenty of that!!! Eric joked we will have to come back and take some of my belly before we leave. The crazy thing is that I am almost the same size I was full term with the girls, and I still have 16 weeks to go. I am in trouble!!!! 
Once we got to the bamboo tunnel the rain clouds opened up and it started to POUR. Luckily we were able to find some cover in the bamboo tunnel and later in the little castle. We waited the storm out and were able to escape not completely soaked. 
It was a beautiful place and we had a great time. 

Here is an example of some of the pregnancy photos.
We decided to get into the action too and take some picture on the stairs. 

Here's the one pregnancy photo Eric too of me. Eliza decided to photo bomb the picture!