Thursday, November 7, 2013

Poor Backpack Less Carli

Here in Brazil every kid who goes to school has a wheeled backpack. I mean EVERYONE. Usually you see the Nanny walking the child to school and the child is rolling the backpack behind them. Even the littlest kids are pulling their backpacks which is pretty cute to see. 
The day I stayed at preschool to make sure Carli was okay I watched the other parents drop of their kids all morning. I noticed that almost every car that drove up popped the trunk. Then the parent got out and got the child while the security guard opened the trunk and took out the wheeled backpack.
I guess wheeled backpacks are so special or big they ride in the trunk not in the car.
At first I couldn't figure out why 2-5 year kids need big backpacks. But since I have learned they all have their diaries, and at least a change of clothes in them. 
When I pick Carli up they line the backpacks up in a row outside her classroom door.
Wheeled backpacks are a big part of preschool and poor Carli doesn't even have a backpack! I brought two Halloween bags for Gretta & Eliza to trick or treat with and so far Carli has been using one of the bags as her school bag. She must be watching her friend wheel their backpacks everywhere too because she has taken to wanting to drag her bag behind her! 
I also think Gretta and Eliza are the only kids at school who don't have a wheeled backpack. 
However at home I know the girls Elementary school in Michigan does not want the kids to use backpacks with wheels. 
 How different things are!